In this class we will show you how we make sense of our sensory assessment data.
Using real case studies, we will show you how we analyze the information to come up with treatment plans that work, quickly and efficiently. Starting from the referral data, to the sensory history data, to structured and unstructured observations, we will show you how we pull it all together using our Good Sense Rocket Ship theory to guide us!
You will leave with a copy of the Good Sense Rocket Ship and a clear understanding of where all the pieces of sensory processing fit for assessment and treatment!
At the end, we will also share how you can go even deeper to learn how to assess, clinically reason and come up with clear hypotheses and treatment plans to accommodate and treat every area of the Good Sense Rocket Ship. We will also give you a sneak peak of our Good Sense Rocket Ship Screening Form that is colour coded to match our Good Sense Rocket Ship to clearly guide you.

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Make "Sense" of your Sensory Assessment Series
Join us for 2- 60 minute classes where we will show you how we make sense of our sensory assessment data. Using real case studies, we will show you how we analyze the information to come up with treatment plans that work, quickly and efficiently.
Starting from the referral data, to the sensory history data, to structured and unstructured observations, we will show you how we pull it all together using our Good Sense Rocket Ship framework to guide us!
You will leave with a copy of the Good Sense Rocket Ship and a clear understanding of where all the pieces of sensory processing fit for assessment and treatment!
At the end, we will also share how you can go even deeper to learn how to assess, clinically reason and come up with clear hypotheses and treatment plans to accommodate and treat every area of the Good Sense Rocket Ship.
We will also give you a sneak peak of our Good Sense Rocket Ship Screening Form that is colour coded to match our Good Sense Rocket Ship to clearly guide you.

Here's how it's going to be:

Make sure to set an alarm in your phone for Tuesday, January 23rd and Thursday, January 25th, 4-5pm MST for the classes. And if you can't make it live you will still be able to catch the replay for a couple of days after the class!

To make sure you get the most out of our class, prepare your study environment ahead of time. Have a quiet space where you will watch the class and material to take notes.

Share it with your friends and colleagues. The more OTs know about this class, the best! Our job as OTs is tough and we need a strong team of knowledgeable OTs around us to provide the best treatment possible to our clients. Let's fill this class with OTs that are ready to learn, grow and build a strong community!
We are really excited to have you with us!
Understanding better how the sensory system of our clients
works, will change their lives!

So who are we and why do you want to learn from us?!
We are the creators of Good Sense for OTs course. A course that will make you confident using sensory to change kids lives.
We are Danielle Pluth and Ruth Isaac.
Danielle has been the owner of Advance OT since 2006.
She has lots of business experience and she loves to give tips! She is also very passionate about OT services in schools and clinics from a sensory lens! She wants every OT to feel confident in helping children with Sensory Processing! And she is certified in Sensory Integration.
Her amazing partner in crime is Ruth Isaac.
Ruth has extensive training in Sensory Integration theory and has worked with 100’s of kiddos in schools and clinic from this lens. She is your “go to” OT for mentorship! She is certified in Sensory Integration.
Our mission is to inspire OTs to own sensory processing theory and use it confidently in everyday practice to powerfully impact children’s lives!