Do you feel...
That everyone is turning to you to be the sensory expert and you don't feel
knowledgeable enough or able to accurately explain the science behind it? ​
That it is difficult to quickly know if sensory is the most effective
approach for your client, or a client who is about to be referred to
You are blindly attempting different sensory strategies but are
worried that you might do something that will dysregulate your
client even further and make things worse?
That despite using sensory strategies, you are making little impact
with your clients and are afraid that you might be wasting their
​​Alone as a therapist using a sensory lens, you don’t have a
community to share your cases and discuss treatment plans?
We are here to help
Yes, you can...
Have clarity and know exactly when and how to use a sensory lens to help your clients.
Have a specific
sensory framework
to guide you in knowing exactly where your client's areas of strengths and concerns are.
Have a clear map on how to screen and assess for:
sensory regulation
sensory motor
impacting your client's function at home, school and the community.
Know how to best provide
that will be most affective and how to prioritize
them for home, school
and clinic settings
We are the Good Sense OTs and we work at Advance OT in Medicine Hat, Alberta Canada in the areas of:
our private sensory clinic
contract services with the local school divisions, and
support of families in their home and community
We have a mission to teach everyone about how Occupational Therapists using a sensory lens can change our client's lives.
With over 15 years as OTs in pediatrics, we bring extensive experience, education and knowledge using a sensory approach.
We have trained and mentored dozens of OTs, educated hundreds of parents and over a thousand teachers. This has shown us what is needed to best support learning.
On the left is Danielle Pluth on the right is Ruth Isaac
Danielle started Advance OT in 2006 when few OTs were in private practice. She has successfully led her team for 15 years and steadily grown it from the first year. She quickly learned the importance of delivering an effective and efficient service to best meet the needs of the children, families and teachers she has been working with.
When working in the schools in 2007, she quickly learned the limits of her formal education and was inundated with sensory processing questions. Everyone was expecting her to know the answers and she didn't. She could have written it off as an area of not much "evidence" but instead she started seeking out training from all of the OT experts in this area. She was quickly blown away with this exciting area of OT and how effective it could be to really change kids lives beyond just giving sensory breaks and lap snakes etc. She is SIPT certified but has also made it her mission to learn from all OTs specializing in sensory processing and to form her approach and clinical reasoning from there.
This helped Danielle to set a vision for her practice and lead her team to make a significant difference in the lives of the children we work with in our community and surrounding area.
Ruth has been with Advance OT for over 10 years. She is the heart and glue that keeps the team together and thriving. She is diligent about caring for each person on the team. On more than one occasion she has been Danielle's hands when Danielle couldn't. She has had an immeasurable impact on the Advance OT staff, local teachers and families that have had the fortune to work with her.
She too has taken extensive training in sensory processing including being SIPT certified and spending 4 months in Southern California completing the OT 610 course through the University of Southern California. She has also completed their new certification in Sensory Integration.
Both Ruth and Danielle have also received training from Dr. Winnie Dunn, Dr. Lucy Jane Miller, Kim Barthel, Mary Kawar, Sheila Frick, Dr. Susanne Smith Roley, Zoe Mallioux, Joan Surface, Stephine Bodison and many more.
Together, they have mentored dozens of new OTs and promoted significant post degree education in sensory processing for both the OTs and OT assistants that they have worked with. They have developed a colour coded approach and a Good Sense Rocketship framework to help guide OTs through their assessment, clinical reasoning and treatment.
They want as many OTs as possible to feel confident in using a sensory processing lens as soon as possible as this is a key area for OTs that was developed by an OT, has significant impact and other professions are recognizing.
We want OTs to OWN it!
Meet your instructors:
Good Sense for OTs
Advance OT is an AOTA Approved Provider
Upon completion of the Good Sense for OTs Learning Objectives quiz, you will be eligible for
3.75 AOTA CEUs
(American Occupational Therapy Association Continuing Education Units)
or 37.5 Contact Hours.
This is an in-depth course great for beginners and experienced OTs.
You will have time to do it all!
This course will easily fit into your schedule and only demands around 1.5-2 hours per week.
This course has been purposefully
created in small chunks.
You will have time to process the information before every live Q&A session.
You will learn from not one, but two OTs who have extensive experience in Sensory.
Both Danielle and Ruth both still
work in schools and a sensory clinic!
When learning something that is so complex and has so many variables, it is important to listen to different points of view.
Your knowledge will be solidified through the support of an OT community that will walk with you through this course.
You will participate in an active Facebook community where discussions will be led by Danielle and Ruth.
You will also be encouraged to post any questions you have there for this course or clinically. You will have access to this group
for life!
We love to teach, and our students love to learn from us:
Good Sense for OTs
This is an Introductory Program however even
OTs with lots of experience love Good Sense for OTs!
We have 8 Modules broken up over 16 weeks with
4 Virtual Live Classes for 60 minutes!
Each Module includes video presentations, slide handouts,
cheatsheets and video demonstrations.
Here are the Learning Objectives:
1. Recognize when to use a sensory processing approach
2. Identify the 6 over-arching components of the Good Sense Rocketship: Sensory Regulation, Sensory Motor, Sensory Reflexes, Perceptual Motor, Interoception and Cognition.
3. Describe a client profile, define the neurology, choose an assessment and recognize interventions:
Sensory Regulation:
Tactile Over-responsive,
Vestibular Over-responsive,
Vestibular Under-responsive,
Auditory/Visual/Taste/Smell Over-responsive,
Over-use of Proprioception​
Sensory Motor
Tactile, Proprioception,
Vestibular Postural Control,
Vestibular Ocular Motor,
Vestibular Bilateral Coordination​
Sensory Reflexes
Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex,
Spinal Gallant, Tonic
Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
Perceptual Motor
Auditory perception,
Visual perception,
Gross motor,
Fine motor,
Interoception ​​
Academic Learning,
Daily Living Activities,
Our Good Sense Rocketship Framework is colour coded and will guide you through all of the modules with each one building on the other!*
*The Good Sense Rocketship Framework is a decision guiding process that was developed by Ruth Isaac and Danielle Pluth (Instructors) to help learner's clinical reasoning. Evidence was used to help develop it but it has not been independently analyzed.
All the modules of the course are recorded so you can watch at your own pace ! At the end of every 2 modules (8 modules total) of the course we will have a live class and you can join us to ask your questions and share the clients that you are working with.
The live Q&A classes will happen once a month at 2:00-3:00pm Mountain Standard Time. If you can't make it live, don't worry, you will still be able to send your questions and watch the recording later.
The Live Classes scheduled for the next cohort starting
January 30th, 2025:
Course start date: January 30th, 2025
Live No. 1: Tues. February 11th, 2025
Live No. 2: Tues. March 11th, 2025
Live No. 3: Tues. April 8th, 2025
Live No. 4: Tues. May 6th, 2025
Here's is what we will cover in every module:
Client Profile
What this looks like in our client’s lives.​
Navigate the process from receptor to the brain.
Learn steps for assessment progressing from a broad to refined.
Treatments and Accommodations
Identify strategies and interventions for home, school and clinic .
You will receive Cheat Sheets for every module and be able to download the slides of the presentations
You will join an exclusive Facebook group with all the other course participants. And even after the course is over you will continue to have access to it and be able to ask questions and share your experiences there with each other .
Every four weeks, for four months we will have a live Q&A class.
Make sure to add to your calendar the above dates of the Good Sense for OTs Course Lives. Can't make it live? Don't worry! You will have access to all the recordings and you will still be able to ask your questions in our Facebook group.
This isn’t a passive course you buy and never open. This is a high-touch LIVE program that will transform your entire work experience as an Occupational Therapist.
Can Sensory Processing Theory be used to assess and help treat children with a history of trauma?
Yes! Trauma can have a specific impact on a child's sensory system impacting their ability to regulate and it can impact their sensory motor skills too.
To make sure you have all the tools to assess these situations, together with Good Sense for OTs course you will gain access to our masterclass
"Sensory and Trauma"
There, we will show you the red flags often seen in Sensory Processing histories and the interventions we have found to be most effective.
Solidify your knowledge and intervention with a systematic approach that is effective and clear? Check.
Every four weeks, a group call to help you stay on track and answer all your questions? Check.
Hours of training videos, handouts, power-point slides, and SO MANY video examples? Check.
Access to a private Facebook group to get all your questions answered for LIFE? Check.
More confidence, more clarity and less stress? Check, check, and CHECK.
All of that for
1 payment of
4 payments of
Your questions answered:
How long will I have access to the course?
You will have access to the course for 1 year! Let’s be honest - sometimes it is hard to get things done in a timely manner - we know! So we want to be sure you have access for a few more months after the course ends.
How can such an abstract concept as Sensory be broken down?
We have created this course following a systematic approach that is colour coded. We know there is no “recipe” and that every child is different, but there is a system that you can put in place to help you figure things out more quickly and feel more confident.
What happens after I join?
Immediately after you join you will have access to the course hosting platform where you can start studying Module 1 of the course right away.
Do you take payment plans?
Yes, you can pay for the course in 4 installments if you'd like.
Will we have the opportunity to talk about actual case-studies?
Yes! In our 4 monthly live sessions we will provide the opportunity to engage in a “hot seat” where one or more participants can bring a specific case study to talk through with Danielle and Ruth in detail. It will be your chance to have direct coaching!
Making this course has been a project of care and love as we strive to support more OTs in our community, country and the world. This is our OT language!
Are you ready to join us?
Can I get CEUs?
Yes! Good Sense for OTs course is approved for 3.75 CEUs upon completion of the final exam with a score of 80% or highter.
Customer satisfaction warranty:
If after 7 days of your purchase you are not satisfied, you can cancel your membership and receive your money back.
If for any reason the Lives need to be cancelled, they will be re-scheduled. If, for unforeseen reasons, the Good Sense for OT course has to be cancelled, you will receive a full refund.
Further questions or for special needs requests, reach out to Danielle Pluth or Ruth Isaac at
Disclaimer: Danielle Pluth and Ruth Isaac have no financial or nonfinancial affiliation with the therapists, courses, assessments, products or equipment referred to in the Good Sense for OTs course.