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Good Sense for OTs

Confidently using sensory to change kid's lives! 

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Learning Objectives


1. Learners will be able to recognize when to use a sensory processing theoretical approach based on their client's Occupational Performance Issues.


2. Learners will be able to identify the 6 over-arching components of the Good Sense Rocket ship framework* based on sensory processing theory for Sensory Regulation, Sensory Motor, Sensory Reflexes, Perceptual Motor, Interoception and Cognition.


3. Learners will be able to describe a client profile, define the neurology, choose an assessment and recognize interventions for each area of the 6 over-arching components of the Good Sense Rocket ship* and it's relationship to the client's occupational performance:

1) Sensory Regulation:  Tactile Over-responsive, Vestibular Over-responsive,  Vestibular Under-responsive, Auditory/Visual/Taste/Smell Over-responsive,                  Over-use of Proprioception, Learners for each area will:
A. Identify a minimum of 5 clinical components of a Client Profile
B. List the receptors, pathways and brain connections of Neurology
C. Choose between 4-5 assessment methods such as parent/teacher report, sensory histories, structured observations, standardized assessments
D. Choose 4-5 interventions and recognize if they are treatment or accommodation strategies

2) Sensory Motor: Tactile, Proprioception, Vestibular Postural Control,  Vestibular        Ocular Motor, Vestibular Bilateral Coordination:
A. Identify a minimum of 5 clinical components of a Client Profile
B. List the receptors, pathways and brain connections of Neurology
C. Choose between 4-5 assessment methods such as parent/teacher report, sensory histories, structured observations, standardized assessments
D. Choose 4-5 interventions and recognize if they are treatment or accommodation strategies

3) Sensory Reflex: Moro, Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex, Spinal Gallant, Tonic     

Labyrinthine, Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex:
A. Identify functional impact of reflexes on occupational performance issues
B. Match reflexes with underlying sensory motor areas
C. Choose correct assessment technique for reflexes
D. Chose interventions that support occupational performance outcomes

4) Perceptual Motor: Auditory perception, Visual perception, Gross motor, Fine              motor, and Praxis:
A. Identify how auditory and visual perception impacts a Client Profile
B. Recall the 3 main components of Praxis: Ideation, Motor Planning and Execution
C. Choose between 4-5 assessment methods such as parent/teacher report,
sensory histories, structured observations, standardized assessments for perceptual motor skills
D. Choose 4-5 interventions and recognize if they are treatment or accommodation strategies for Praxis

5) Interoception sense of: Hunger, Thirst, Pain, Temperature and Bowel/Bladder:
A. Identify a minimum of 5 clinical components of a Client Profile
B. List the receptors, pathways and brain connections of Neurology
C. Choose between 4-5 assessment methods such as parent/teacher report, sensory histories, structured observations, standardized assessments
D. Choose 4-5 interventions and recognize if they are treatment or accommodation strategies

6) Cognition: Academic Learning, Daily Living Activities, and Behavior:
A. Describe how the 5 underlying components of Sensory Regulation, Sensory
Motor, Sensory Reflexes, Perceptual Motor and Interoception impact and contribute to a client's Occupational Performance Issues.
B. Choose a Top to bottom vs Bottom to Top based on practice setting, available resources and desired outcomes.



Our Good Sense Rocketship Framework is colour coded and will guide you through all of the modules with each one building on the other!*


*The Good Sense Rocketship Framework is a decision guiding process that was developed by Ruth Isaac and Danielle Pluth (Instructors) to help learner's clinical reasoning. Evidence was used to help develop it but it has not been independently analyzed. 



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